
HIV Treatment Market Size, Share and Growth, Regional Analysis and Forecast – 2024

  • OI-28
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  • Published date: Oct, 2018
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  • Biopharmaceuticals
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  • Pages

Market Share Distribution, Competitive Dynamics, Regulatory Outlook, Pipeline Development, Growth Catalysts & Challenges, Leading Market & R&D Trends, Partnership & Deals Analyses, Global Sales forecast of in-line and pipeline products, Fast Growing Private Companies, Management Perspectives, Commentaries, Market Outlook & Summary Conclusions
The HIV market was valued at $16bn in 2015 and is forecast to expand at a CAGR of 3.7% between 2015 and 2024, culminating in 2024 global sales of $23bn.The expected arrival  of new classes of therapies could result in a paradigm shift in the treatment of HIV treatment.
Globally, around 35 million people are infected with HIV. Approximately 3 million people in the U.S and 2.5 million in top 5 European regions live with HIV. Around 70% of HIV infections live in Sub-Saharan Africa, considered to be the epicenter of the HIV epidemic according to the Joint United Nations Program on AIDS (UNAIDS).  
Despite significantly improved safety, convenience and tolerability profile of current antiviral drugs, development of drug resistance remains a significant challenge as a result of its high mutation rate.
Global HIV Prevalence in Key Markets (2015)
“Treatment algorithm”
Traditionally, most patients start on two NRTIs (nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor) and one NNRTI (non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor) while patients not eligible for an NNRTI are started on two NRTIs and a protease inhibitor.  However, with the introduction of a once-daily integrase inhibitor (dolutegravir), NNRTIs are losing market share to integrase inhibitors as the companion to dual NRTI therapy.  The current market for HIV treatment is dominated by once-daily regimens. The trend toward regimen simplification and reduced pill burden has driven rapid penetration of several once-daily treatment options including Gilead’s Atripla, Complera, Genvoya, Odefsey and Stribild along with GSK/ViiV’s Triumeq.
“Gilead, ViiV Healthcare, Bristol Myers, J&J, Abbvie, & Merck & are some of the key players in HIV market"
In 2009, Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline formed a JV focused on research, development and commercialization of HIV medicines. The new company, called ViiV Healthcare, majority owned by GSK, with Pfizer and Shionogi as shareholders was seeded with a marketed product portfolio, including Combivir and Kivexa (GSK) and Selzentry/Celsentri (Pfizer). ViiV has a pipeline of medicines, including compounds in Phase III & II. ViiV Healthcare in collaboration with Shionogi has two integrase inhibitors, dolutegravir (Tivicay) and cabotegravir (GSK, Phase II).  
While GSK remained the leader of the NRTI class, following the launch of Atripla, Truvada, Viread, Complera, Stribild and more recently Genvoya, Descovy and Odefsey, Gilead has captured the majority of first line market share in the HIV space. Recently, Gilead launched TAF-based regimens that offered additional franchise strength.  
“Innovations in HIV Treatment”
The success in treating HIV is driven by antiretroviral agents that offer fewer side effects, require fewer pills, and have pharmacokinetic profiles that allow for less frequent dosing.
HIV’s tendency toward developing drug resistance has resulted in a standard of care for HIV viral control that involves concomitant use of three antiviral drugs. Treatment generally consists of two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) and either a protease inhibitor (PI), integrase inhibitor (II) or a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI).  
ViiV Healthcare’s HIV franchise has been reinvigorated by the launch of inhibitor Tivicay and its one pill once a day co-formulation with Ziagen and Emtriva. This single-tablet regimen is sold under the brand name Triumeq and represents the first non-Gilead single-tablet regimen and helping ViiV Healthcare’s NRTI franchise regain some market share.
“Reimbursement insights”
Most diagnosed with HIV in the U.S. has access to reimbursed antiviral therapies from either private insurance or government programs. However, it has become harder to prescribe newly launched HIV drugs as insurers have begun to restrict access to new drugs. Most insurers will require prior authorizations for any HIV drugs that are not on formulary.

Market Share Distribution, Competitive Dynamics, Regulatory Outlook, Pipeline Development, Growth Catalysts & Challenges, Leading Market & R&D Trends, Partnership & Deals Analyses, Global Sales forecast of in-line and pipeline products, Fast Growing Private Companies, Management Perspectives, Commentaries, Market Outlook & Summary Conclusions
The HIV market was valued at $16bn in 2015 and is forecast to expand at a CAGR of 3.7% between 2015 and 2024, culminating in 2024 global sales of $23bn.The expected arrival  of new classes of therapies could result in a paradigm shift in the treatment of HIV treatment.
Globally, around 35 million people are infected with HIV. Approximately 3 million people in the U.S and 2.5 million in top 5 European regions live with HIV. Around 70% of HIV infections live in Sub-Saharan Africa, considered to be the epicenter of the HIV epidemic according to the Joint United Nations Program on AIDS (UNAIDS).  
Despite significantly improved safety, convenience and tolerability profile of current antiviral drugs, development of drug resistance remains a significant challenge as a result of its high mutation rate.
Global HIV Prevalence in Key Markets (2015)
“Treatment algorithm”
Traditionally, most patients start on two NRTIs (nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor) and one NNRTI (non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor) while patients not eligible for an NNRTI are started on two NRTIs and a protease inhibitor.  However, with the introduction of a once-daily integrase inhibitor (dolutegravir), NNRTIs are losing market share to integrase inhibitors as the companion to dual NRTI therapy.  The current market for HIV treatment is dominated by once-daily regimens. The trend toward regimen simplification and reduced pill burden has driven rapid penetration of several once-daily treatment options including Gilead’s Atripla, Complera, Genvoya, Odefsey and Stribild along with GSK/ViiV’s Triumeq.
“Gilead, ViiV Healthcare, Bristol Myers, J&J, Abbvie, & Merck & are some of the key players in HIV market"
In 2009, Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline formed a JV focused on research, development and commercialization of HIV medicines. The new company, called ViiV Healthcare, majority owned by GSK, with Pfizer and Shionogi as shareholders was seeded with a marketed product portfolio, including Combivir and Kivexa (GSK) and Selzentry/Celsentri (Pfizer). ViiV has a pipeline of medicines, including compounds in Phase III & II. ViiV Healthcare in collaboration with Shionogi has two integrase inhibitors, dolutegravir (Tivicay) and cabotegravir (GSK, Phase II).  
While GSK remained the leader of the NRTI class, following the launch of Atripla, Truvada, Viread, Complera, Stribild and more recently Genvoya, Descovy and Odefsey, Gilead has captured the majority of first line market share in the HIV space. Recently, Gilead launched TAF-based regimens that offered additional franchise strength.  
“Innovations in HIV Treatment”
The success in treating HIV is driven by antiretroviral agents that offer fewer side effects, require fewer pills, and have pharmacokinetic profiles that allow for less frequent dosing.
HIV’s tendency toward developing drug resistance has resulted in a standard of care for HIV viral control that involves concomitant use of three antiviral drugs. Treatment generally consists of two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) and either a protease inhibitor (PI), integrase inhibitor (II) or a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI).  
ViiV Healthcare’s HIV franchise has been reinvigorated by the launch of inhibitor Tivicay and its one pill once a day co-formulation with Ziagen and Emtriva. This single-tablet regimen is sold under the brand name Triumeq and represents the first non-Gilead single-tablet regimen and helping ViiV Healthcare’s NRTI franchise regain some market share.
“Reimbursement insights”
Most diagnosed with HIV in the U.S. has access to reimbursed antiviral therapies from either private insurance or government programs. However, it has become harder to prescribe newly launched HIV drugs as insurers have begun to restrict access to new drugs. Most insurers will require prior authorizations for any HIV drugs that are not on formulary.

Our research works on a holistic 360° approach to deliver high quality, validated and reliable information in our market reports. The Market estimation and forecasting involve the following steps:

  • Data Collation (Primary & Secondary)

  • In-house Estimation (Based on proprietary databases and Models)

  • Market Triangulation

  • Forecasting

  • Market-related information is assembled from both primary and secondary sources. 

  • Primary sources involved participants from all global stakeholders such as experts from several related industries and suppliers that have been interviewed to obtain and verify critical information as well as to assess prospects of the market. The participants included are CXOs, VPs, and managers. Plus, our in-house industry experts having decades of industry experience contribute their consulting and advisory services. 

  • Secondary sources include public sources such as regulatory frameworks, government IT spending, government demographic indicators, industry association statistics, and company publications annual reports press releases along with paid sources such as Factiva, OneSource, Bloomberg among others. 

  • Top-down and bottom-up approaches: The overall market size was used in the top-down approach to estimate the sizes of other individual submarkets (mentioned in the market segmentation by product, type of manufacturing, and disease) through percentage splits from secondary and primary research. The bottom-up approach was also implemented (wherever applicable) for data extracted from secondary research to validate the market segment revenues obtained. 



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