The Central Nervous System(CNS) drugs and treatment market is split into numerous segments, critical among them are listed below:

While established treatments are available for each of these therapeutic sub-categories, these markets are large and significant unmet medical needs remain available. Treatments under development and in pipeline, both novel and well established, seek to address these opportunities.

    -  Depression & Anxiety
    -  Schizophrenia 
    -  Bipolar disorder 
    -  Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    -  Migraine and
    -  Addiction therapies 
Patients who are addicted to alcohol or drugs often undergo treatment in order to stop their unhealthy behavior and learn how to avoid or manage relapse. 
The best addiction treatment acknowledges that substance abuse is a complicated yet manageable illness that can alter both behavior and brain function. It also addresses the physical, emotional and mental health needs of the patient, not just the addiction issues. 


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